Welcome to the family
Studio Appetite was founded by Perth’s leading food, drink and lifestyle marketing and PR consultant, Laura Moseley.
Laura has been championing restaurateurs and venues through marketing, PR and dining (a lot of dining!) for over a decade.
With a true love for local talent, Laura connected with a group of brilliantly minded creatives and marketers to create Studio Appetite.
Studio Appetite is now a small but mighty creative studio helping local businesses create vibrant and engaged communities in the best place on earth… Perth.
Look what we did!
Laura Moseley is the brainchild behind Studio Appetite. She was eating, meeting and marketing her way around Perth before social media was even a thing. This food-lover has been at the forefront of WA’s dining and lifestyle space for over 10 years, cheering restaurateurs, chefs, producers and venues on every step of the way.
Laura’s a Leo so it goes without saying she’s a social butterfly. Or maybe it’s more apt to say a moth. She’s a moth to the flame of Northbridge kitchens, always eating and photographing the latest in Perth’s food offerings.
Our director can’t start her morning without a session at LA Fit. It puts a pep in her step and energises her for a day spent strategising for the next campaign.
Roxy aka Foxy Roxy has been at Studio Appetite from the beginning when it was just her and Laura at the helm. This powerhouse is a process-driven project manager and a #getshitdone kind of gal.
Outside of the office, Roxy is a Lululemon-wearing, beach-going #fitspo gal. That’s not to say she doesn’t love indulging though. She loves taste-testing our clients’ meals and sneaking a cheeky Negroni here and there – not without snapping an Insta story while she’s at it of course (content first, always!).